Thanks to the technological advancements that continue to take place in the pressure washing industry, power washers are now capable of much more with less effort and cost. Nowadays, an entry-level power pressure washing service is more than capable of outshining the performance of the last decade’s top-tier professional by a significant margin.
As more users continue to become more aware of the benefits, advantages, features, and functions of today’s power pressure washing services, however, many questions remain unanswered. Out of all these questions that users may have, one stands out the most: “can a power pressure washer remove rust?”
Answering the question at hand
Unlike modern, high-functioning power pressure washing services, the age-old problem of cheap, easy, and thorough rust removal has been around for many years. Given the fact that failures in rust removal have plagued every entry-level piece of hardware and commonly-available pieces of washing equipment, it’s no surprise that people continue to speculate over a pressure washer’s ability to remove rust.
To put the common question and all sorts of speculation to rest, know that a professional pressure washer’s services can definitely remove rust from all sorts of surfaces. Given the fact that professional pressure washers are equipped with high-functioning equipment that’s capable of taking on any cleaning task, it’s subject to, it’s no surprise that their services can also do away with rust.
How pressure washers can remove rust
Generally speaking, the ability of modern pressure washing services to easily remove rust in both commercial and home settings is less complicated than one may expect. In fact, it can be broken down into three key elements: cleaning compounds, technique, and pressure.
Let’s go over every key element of the rust removal equation in greater detail:
Cleaning compounds
With more manufacturers being able to create much more effective and efficient cleaning products, the compounds that pressure washing services nowadays have are much more capable of fulfilling a variety of purposes, especially when it comes to substance removal.
While it may be true that rust is one of the tougher substances to remove, they are now no match for widely-available cleaning compounds used by expert pressure washers.
No matter how effective your cleaning compounds may be or how strong the water pressure is, a professional pressure washer cannot effectively remove rust without the right technique. Removing certain stains actually takes a great deal of technique that can only be properly formed through years of application and learning to ensure that a surface can be cleaned thoroughly without damaging it.
Preferred Power Wash’s expert washers, for instance, follow a detailed process and use refined techniques to effectively remove rust stains and other hard-to-remove blemishes!
There is a fine line that balances between a degree of pressure that barely makes a difference and a setting that destroys that professional pressure washers must consider. Somewhere in the middle of the fine line lies a certain level that easily removes rust, which only experts know after years of trial and error and proper learning.
In most cases, professional rust removal services use a setting of 6500 PSi that is sustained at an 8 GPM flow rate, which is most applicable for heavily-oxidized stains and corrosion.
Final words
Through the use of modern equipment, practical working knowledge, a refined technique, and the right cleaning options, the professional pressure washing services of today are more than capable of removing tricky rust spots off of any surface. If you’re in the area and need a
professional pressure washing service in Kalamazoo MI
to take care of your rust-related situation, get in touch with Preferred Power Wash today! We’re happy to help.